The Client may signal for a mock response by including a special HTTP Header of the format:


Valid mock responses exist for the following mock response types:

  1. IBV Report 200
  2. Processing Request 202
  3. Invalid Data 400
  4. Internal Server Error 500

Processing Request 202 Response

When requesting a mock Processing Request 202 response, the Client will receive a mock IBV report status using a combination of two mock headers:

  1. Mock-Response-Type: Processing Request 202
  2. Mock-Processing-Request:

Available statuses include:

  • initiated
  • ibv_data_acquired
  • reconnect_required

Internal Server Error 500 Response

When requesting mock Internal Server 500 response, the Client will receive a mock IBV report status using a combination of two mock headers:

  • Mock-Response-Type: Internal Server Error 500
  • Mock-Processing-Request:

Available statuses include:

  • ibv_data_acquire_failed